Rhythm and Praise Charitable Fund

Women Empowerment And Entrepreneurial Revolution

Women Empowerment And Entrepreneurial Revolution Women Have Generally Been Looked Upon With Contempt For Centuries With Various… Women have generally been looked upon with contempt for centuries with various strictures inflicted upon them reducing their status to the mercy of men. They have been confined to hearth and home. But now the perspective of the… Continue reading Women Empowerment And Entrepreneurial Revolution

Women Empowerment In World

Women Empowerment In World Women Empowerment In World Cannot Be Considered As A Uniform Issue And… Women empowerment in world cannot be considered as a uniform issue and treated with stereotyped measures. In different parts of the world the issues are different and therefore the needs are also different. We need to understand that women… Continue reading Women Empowerment In World

Women Empowerment, Cornerstone of Hiv Prevention

Women Empowerment, Cornerstone Of Hiv Prevention There Are Some Forms Of Risky Behavior That Directly Makes Women Vulnerable… There are some forms of risky behavior that directly makes women vulnerable to HIV/AIDS in the developing countries like Bangladesh. It should be cornerstone of life to get rid of risky behavior through improving living standard any… Continue reading Women Empowerment, Cornerstone of Hiv Prevention

Building Self Esteem – Women Empowerment

Building Self Esteem – Women Empowerment The Empowerment Of Women Has Been Viewed From A Very Narrow Perspective… The empowerment of women has been viewed from a very narrow perspective in the world today. Attention ought to be put on manifesting a holistic approach to womanhood and the feminine with the idea of bringing a… Continue reading Building Self Esteem – Women Empowerment

The “new” Women Empowerment

The “new” Women Empowerment many People May Ask Why I Write Of “new” Women Empowerment When,… Many people may ask why I write of “new” women empowerment when, in reality, this is a subject which has already been spoken of a lot and it is even boring to some. Having been born and grown up… Continue reading The “new” Women Empowerment